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Friday, March 19, 2010

Granada, Spain

For the last three days, we've been in Granada, Spain. It's a small city separated from the coast by the Sierra Nevada mountains (which have snow!). One of the best parts about it is where we are staying: a cave in the mountains!

On the first day we got here, we just walked around the city at night. The next day, we spent pretty much the entire day at the Alhambra. It's an eighth century Mosque that was the last Muslim stronghold in Spain before the Reconquista. It was an enormous complex with a Mosque, Charles V Palace, an incredible fortress and a huge, spectacular garden. The Alhambra is located at the top of a hill, which was not the most pleasant walk up, but the top was so amazing that it was completely worth it.

Today, we toured the city. One of the highlights was the Royal Chapel, where King Ferdinand, Queen Isabella, Philip the Fair and Juana the Mad are all buried. Prince Miguel of Portugal was also buried there. We're not entirely sure why. We plan on learning all about them in AP European History next year! The Chapel was incredible and Queen Isabella spent one quarter of their wealth just to build it.

We're leaving Granada and my (Ariel's) parents tomorrow for Valencia! Can't wait! For Valencia, not to leave them.

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