Expect (at least) weekly posts! Keep checking in! 

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Place, Photo, Word, and Food of the Week.

Place of the Week

Place de la Comedie - A great little plaza that is home to dozens of restaraunts, shops, a giant carousel, and the opera house mentioned in the previous post. We spent tons of time trolling around this square discovering fun sidestreets and food stands because it's quite close to where we're staying.

Photo of the Week

This is the triumphal arc in Montpellier. It was completed in 1693 to commemorate Louis XIV. The reliefs added in 1715 show events that occured during his reign, for example, the digging of the Canal du Midi linking the Bay of Biscay with the Mediterranean Sea.

Word (Phrase) of the Week

"Parlais vous Anglais?" - "Do you speak English?"

We speak VERY little French - that's not to say we didn't try - but when it proved too difficult we would ask this question. If they said "no" we would ask them if they spoke Spanish. If they said "no" to this, we were forced to give up or resort to cryptic hand gestures - but they usually spoke some English.

Food of the Week

What else? Crepes!!

They. are. delicious...and there were crepe stands on virtually every corner! That's just one more reason why we loved Place de Comedie - crepe central.

For anyone who has never had a crepe (how sad - seriously, stop reading and go find a creperie) they are just like thin pancakes spread with whatever your heart desires - nutella, bananas, almonds, honey, caramel, fruit, vegetables, anything. Then they're folded into a neat little triangle and enjoyed. Immensely.

More later - see you in Italy!


1 comment:

  1. What a great string of posts! They have been great "electronic postcards" which have been engaging, entertaining, and a real pleasure to read.

    Mr. Finley & Ms. Cioffredi

    “Boy, those French. They have a different word for everything.” Steve Martin
